16 October 2007

2007 Seabird Island OSF Release

Seabird Island's Oregon Spotted frogs were released on 5 & 12 October 2007. In total, 846 frogs were released. 863 tadpoles did not metamorphose and will be over-wintered and released in 2008. 139 frogs were too small to be marked and will be over-wintered with the tadpoles at the husbandry facilities.

11 October 2007

07 Aldergrove OSF Release

On 5 October 2007, five adult Oregon Spotted frogs were released back into the wild after being overwintered from 2006 because they had not metamorphosed. They were tested for disease and after proving having no disease, they were brought back to their original habitat in the wild in Aldergrove.
It was exciting to have released these adults, ncie and chubby as they were. We hope to see them again in the future, and hopefully they will breed and make more little Oregon Spotted frogs!