03 July 2007

Other Recycling Tips

Clinical Waste

  • Clinical waste such as nappies, sanitary waste and medical supplies have the potential to be infectious so must be disposed of using special methods.
  • Be careful when disposing of needles and syringes.
  • Look for doctors or manufacturer instructions of how to dispose of medical waste on the packaging containers.
  • Medicine containers can be recycled accordingly once it is empty.
  • Such companies are currently implementing clinical waste treatment schemes, such as Medical Waste Solutions, LTD.

Paint or Oil

  • Waste of paint, paintbrushes, car oil and oil filters have to be carefully disposed of, as they can be very damaging to the environment.
  • Don't pour oil or paint down the drain.
  • Donate unwanted paints and varnishes, as others can reuse them.
  • Look for disposal or recycling instructions on the packaging of the product.
  • Civic amenity sites often take engine oil for recycling.
  • Buy products in bulk whenever possible to reduce packaging waste.
  • Use eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible.

Vehicle Recycling

  • Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled.
  • Try and fix your vehicle instead of throwing it away.
  • Sell unwanted vehicles.
  • Report abandonded vehicles to your local council for removal.
  • Engine oil can be recycled at civic amenity sites.


  • Take wood to civic amenity sites for recycling.
  • Wood can often be reused to make other items, such as a bird table for your garden.
  • Wood can often be added to your compost bin, such as saw dust and wood shavings.
  • Buy Recycled wood whenever possible.


  • Donate old clothes to charity shops or take them to a jumble sale.
  • Only donate clothes that are still usable.
  • Old clothes can be used to make other textile items, such as cushion covers or cleaning cloths.
  • When donating shows, make sure they are tied together so they don't separate.

Electrical Equipment

  • Most electrical equipment can be reused or broken down into parts.
  • If the electrical equipment is still in full working order, sell it in a car boot sale or donate it to a charity shop.
  • Contact your retailer as they may take back old products.
  • Always try to repair items rather than throwing them away, others may find a use for the item when you no longer want it.
  • Try to buy electrical items that have a long life span.


  • Donate usable furniture to charity shops, schools, community centers, friends or neighbors.
  • Sell furniture at garage sales or in auctions.
  • Clean and repair broken furniture before you sell/donate it.

What Can Be Recycled?

  • Newsprint.
  • Magazines.
  • Office and computer paper.
  • Juice boxes.
  • Aluminum and tin cans.
  • Glass bottles and jars.
  • Boxboard containers (cereal and shoe boxes).
  • Flattened corrugated cardboard boxes.
  • Milk cartons and jugs.
  • Plastic containers.
  • Plastic bags.


  • Recycling Steel from construction products, vehicles and mechanical equipment can save a lot of energy pollution.
  • One tonne of recycled steel saves 1.4 tonnes of iron ore and 3.6 barrels of oil.
  • It takes four times as much energy to make steel from virgin ore as it does to make it from scrap.
  • A stell mill using recycled scrap reduces related water pollution, air pollution and mining wastes by 70%.
  • Recycled steel cans are used to make new steel cans. Scrap metal can easily be recycled into a wide range of new products.

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