20 March 2008

Collecting OSF Eggs for Husbandry

3900 eggs were collected for husbandry in March 2008. They will be reared in the same facilities as 2007, which is the Greater Vancouver Zoo, and the Mountain View Conservation and Breeding Center. The top picture is a co-worker collecting eggs from the cluster of egg masses. The bottom picture is a close up of some eggs. From certain egg masses, we collect the eggs for husbandry, collect 3 for DNA, and then set out a cage close to the cluster of egg masses to monitor the embryonic survivorship of that mass. After hatching in the cages, the free swimming tadpoles are then released back with the others. A different number of eggs was collected from certain egg masses so that we can experiment with density and food this year in the husbandry facilities. The Mountain View Conservation and Breeding Center has 31 tubs, and the Greater Vancouver Zoo has 10, but 2 are still being used for frogs that were over wintered from last year.

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